I'm Martha, your personal life coach!

A journey of a thousand miles, begins with one single step”  Lao Tzu
My name is Martha and I am a certified life coach. I believe that we all have the ability to build the life we want, but sometimes we get stuck along the way and experience roadblocks that can derail our dreams and aspirations. So what do you do when this happens? How do you get unstuck? How do you get from where you are now to where you want to be?
My coaching practice centers around four main pillars.  Realization, Conversation, Action, and Transformation.  In order to get the desired life and things you want, you have to identify the what, why, and how. What do I want? Why is this important for me to accomplish? What do I need to do to make it happen? What does a happy life look like to me? What does a successful look like to me? The second pillar is to have the honest conversation with yourself about the things you want, and be clear about your goals!  This is important because through conversation you begin to recognize that change is needed that leads you to the “how” How do I get from here to there? How can I achieve this? The third pillar is Action.  Now that you have figured out the what, why, and how, now it’s about taking action and moving towards the desired life you have described for yourself which leads to a life long of transformational change.
For many years, I battled with my own depression, experienced the loss of my beloved mother and other close family members, taking on the role of primary caretake of an aging parent, balancing work with personal life, and trying to find my purpose in the midst of it all. I read countless self help books, wrote my own book, journaled my most sacred and private thoughts, spent years in therapy and what I have learned is that I deserve to be happy, I deserve love, I deserve a life of meaning and purpose.
Do you believe you are deserving of a happy life? What do you need to do to get there? When life knocks you flat on your face, are you going to stay down or will you find a way up? What I have found in coaching members of my own family and friends is that we all need support no matter how strong we think we are.
I am here to help you on your journey. Whether you are grieving the loss of a loved one and need bereavement support, or stuck in a career that is not satisfying, or perhaps in a relationship that is causing you some doubts and unhappiness, or questioning your purpose and place in life, I can help! Stop being stuck, and let’s talk about it now so that you can be on your way to transformational change!
Book your first 30 minute complimentary coaching session with me and lets identify what we can do to get you on a path you desire. I look forward to working with you!